Casa Bemberg

 Argentinien - Puerto Libertad
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  • Hotelinformationen vom Anbieter:

Puerto Bemberg Lodge is a boutique hotel in a beautiful natural setting about half an hour from the falls in Puerto Iguazu. This eco-friendly property is housed in a refurbished inn and features 15 spacious guestrooms with artisanal décor and private terraces. It offers a gourmet restaurant, a pool, a wine cellar, a library, and recreational activities, like boating and hiking. For your convenience, this property also offers wireless Internet access.CheckIn: 2:00 p.m., CheckOut: 10:00 a.m..
Taxes are included: False

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Bewertung für sonnenklar.TV - EUVIA Travel GmbH

4.5 von 5 Sternen

aus 17 Bewertungen

(letzte 12 Monate)

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